sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2024

Candana-yātra 2024


Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Madana-mohana - Vṛndāvana 


গোপাল কহে, পুরী আমার তাপ নাহি যায় ।
মলয়জ-চন্দন লেপ’, তবে সে জুড়ায় ॥ ১০৬ ॥

gopāla kahe, purī āmāra tāpa nāhi yāya
malayaja-candana lepa’, tabe se juḍāya

"Em seu sonho, Mādhavendra Purī viu Gopāla, que disse: "Minha temperatura corporal ainda não diminuiu. Por favor, traga sândalo da província da Malásia e espalhe a polpa sobre Meu corpo para Me refrescar."


Como o mês de Vaiśākha [abril-maio] é muito quente na Índia, o efeito refrescante do sândalo é muito agradável para o corpo das Deidades.


Candana-yātrā 2024

Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Madana-mohana - Vṛndāvana 


গোপাল কহে, পুরী আমার তাপ নাহি যায় ।
মলয়জ-চন্দন লেপ’, তবে সে জুড়ায় ॥ ১০৬ ॥

gopāla kahe, purī āmāra tāpa nāhi yāya
malayaja-candana lepa’, tabe se juḍāya

"In his dream, Mādhavendra Purī saw Gopāla, who said, "My bodily temperature still has not decreased. Please bring sandalwood from the Malaya province and smear the pulp over My body to cool Me."


Since the month of Vaiśākha [April-May] is very hot in India, the cooling effect of the Sandalwood is very pleasing to the body of the Deities.