terça-feira, 24 de outubro de 2017


Fotos: Nossa amada Govardhana-śilā, Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Nikuñja-vihārī (Giridhārī). Onde Rādhā é representada pela Guñjā-mālā. 

Por um arranjo muito auspicioso e por misericórdia dEles, exatamente no dia de Govardhana-pūjā recebemos a notícia de que Rādhā-Giridhārī haviam chegado à Portugal !!! 

A nossa irmã espiritual que vive no mais sagrado de todos os lugares, no Rādhā-kuṇḍa, trouxe-nos a maior de todas as prendas (presentes). Muito obrigado !!!

Nikuñja-vihārī - Aquele que executa passatempos amorosos com as Gopīs nos Nikuñjas secretos de Vṛndāvana e Govardhana.

A adoração a Govardhana-śilā Giridhārī é parte essencial para aqueles no caminho de Rāga-mārga.

We are Very Happy !!!

Photos: Our beloved Govardhana-śilā, Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Nikuñja-vihārī (Giridhārī). Where Rādhā is represented by Guñjā-mālā.

By a very auspicious arrangement and by Their mercy, on the very day of Govardhana-pūjā we received the news that Rādhā-Giridhārī had arrived in Portugal !!!

Our spiritual sister who lives in the holiest of all places, in Rādhā-kuṇḍa, has brought us the greatest of all gifts. Thank you very much !!!

Nikuñja-vihārī - One who performs loving pastimes with the Gopīs in the secret Nikuñjas of Vṛndāvana and Govardhana.

The worship of Govardhana-śilā Giridhārī is an essential part of those on the path of Rāga-mārga.

We are Very Happy !!!