sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2015

Para que o arroz doce se converta em Amrita

Foto: Sri Sri Radha Krsna sob a luz do luar.

1 - Hoje é Sri Krsna Saradiya (do Outono) Rasayatra, a celebração da dança da Rasa (Maha Rasa) do Senhor Krsna com as Gopis, na primeira lua cheia do Outono, ou Asvina. 

Neste dia, as Deidades nos Templos de Vrindavana são vestidas de branco, para lembrar a luz do luar em que esse passatempo transcendental acontece. 

Um Darshana especial é celebrado em muitos lugares. Em Vrindavana, porque a lua é muito auspiciosa, os Vrajavasis deixam potes de arroz doce à luz da lua cheia a noite toda para que o arroz doce se converta em Amrita.

2 - Hoje é o Tirobhava (desparecimento) de Sri Murari Gupta (Hanuman), um associado de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Murari Gupta é um médico Ayur Védico que curava tanto o corpo como a alma de seus pacientes.

3 - Hoje é Laksmi Puja. Não comemorado pelos Gaudiya Vaisnavas.

4 - Hoje começa o quarto mês de Caturmasya (jejum de Urad Dal).

O mês de Kartika, Damodara começa amanhã, 28 de Outubro.

Photo: Sri Sri Radha Krishna under the moonlight.

1 - Today is Sri Krsna Saradiya (autumn) Rasayatra, the celebration of Rasa Dance (Maha Rasa) of Lord Krsna with the Gopis, the first full moon of autumn, or Asvina.

On this day, the Deities in Vrindavana Temples are dressed in white, to remind the moonlight of this transcendental pastime.

A special Darshana is celebrated in many places. In Vrindavana, because the moon is very auspicious, the Vrajavasis leave pots of sweet rice in the light of the full moon all night so that the sweet rice becomes Amrita.

2 - Today is the Tirobhava (disappearance) of Sri Murari Gupta (Hanuman), an associate of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Murari Gupta is a doctor Ayur Vedic that healed both the body and the soul of his patients.

3 - Today is Laksmi Puja. Not celebrated by Gaudiya Vaishnava.

4 - Today begins the fourth month of Caturmasya (fasting Urad Dal).

The month of Kartika, Damodara starts tomorrow, October 28.

Voilà !!! 

Kartika ou mês de Damodara começa dia 28, mas para evitar confusão as mexinhas começam a ser oferecidas dia 27. De Purnima a Purnima.

The month long Kartik festival starts on the 28th of October 2015 and runs for four weeks till 25th of November 2015.

During this time pilgrims come from far and wide to offer a candle to Mother Yasoda and Lord Krishna. The importance of this month is described extensively in the scriptures, especially in Srila Rupa Goswami’s Mathura Mahatmya.

The Puranas (Vedic histories) extol the month of Kartik as the topmost in the calendar. Lord Krishna’s mercy is very easily accessible in this month and to demonstrate their sincerity devotees accept different austerities such as fasting, cutting down on non-essential activities and offering charity.  Worship of Tulsi and serving Lord Krishna’s cows is especially glorified.

Every day, devotees come to the Temple and offer a candle or ghee lamp to Lord Damodara.  The Damodarastakam, a series of eight beautiful verses by the great sage Satyavrata Muni is sung daily in the morning and evening.

Do join us for this most wonderful celebration Daily.

Morning: 7 AM
Evening: 7 PM (Sunday at 9 PM)

The month of Kartik begins on 28th of October. Those who make a Kartik-vrata (vow) should do so on the previous day. The vrata is concluded on the full moon (Purnima) on 25th of November. In ISKCON temples around the world it is customary to sing Damodara-Astakam and to offer candles to Lord Krishna during this period. To avoid confusion, this observance will take place on the Purnima preceeding the start of Kartik (i.e. 27 October), as well as the Purnima at the end of Kartik (25 November).

Kartika month also represents Radharani.