quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2015

Infinitas possibilidades … seguir os parâmetros dos Sastras.

“We can always say, "anything is possible" because Krsna is unlimited.

But that does not give us anything specific to understand and nor does it automatically prove something we might speculate to be possible. It is not evidence. It only speaks of potential.

And we do not inherently know what those possibilities are, so we can only take shelter of what sastra provides along with the elaborations of the acaryas and other realized devotees.

Then, for safety's sake, we can stay within those parameters and be confident that our understanding is in sync with the authorities.

<The spiritual world is endlessly variegated. There's room for every conceivable possibility and then some.>

Very true. However, we start by examining the framework given by the acaryas as the defining parameters for our understanding of these matters and thus, our contemplation on them. Otherwise, speculation could easily overtake our reason.

<Also I will not give up the possibility of maintaining many of the relationships I have right now right here. I hope to see Srila Prabhupada again.>

Viśvanātha Cakravartī explains entering the lila in groups in Rāga-vartma-candrikā:

In Ujjvala-nīlamaṇi it is said that, “those who are especially attracted to the mood of the vraja-vāsīs and thus, perform rāgānugā-bhakti, will attain that abundance of eagerness that is needed for performing rāgānugā-bhajana and will take birth in Vraja in groups of one, two or three at the same time.”

Here the word anurāgaugha means “that eagerness that makes one qualified for doing rāgānugā-bhajana”. RVC, 2.7

But going back in groups does not mean in the context of those devotees' relationships in the material world. Those relationships will not be maintained because our identities will be different.

It means they will be associating in the context of their new spiritual identities and mutual relationships with Radha and Krsna. Our material identities will be long gone and forgotten.

Our relationship with SP will be in the context of his Vraja identity so any relationships with him will be based on that, not on his identity as we knew him here.” (Uttama)

Pode-se fazer academia, pegar onda, usar jeans, não há nenhum problema. Uma pessoa pode alcançar a meta mais elevada da Consciência de Krsna sem nunca ter vestido um Dothi, Kurta ou Sari.

Outra vez, a questão toda aqui é que externamente se um devoto(a) tiver que vestir-se com terno, gravata, tailleur sendo isto mais apropriado para divulgar a Consciência de Krsna, nenhum problema, e só mostra a inteligência em propagar de acordo com tempo, lugar e circunstância.

Porém, internamente, o devoto(a) deverá habituar-se ao estilo em prática no mundo espiritual, Goloka Vrndavana. Aonde Krsna e Seus associados tem uma forma de vestir (e também muitos outros detalhes) como delineado nos Rasa Sastras e Lila Granthas.

Embora o mundo espiritual seja um local de infinitas possibilidades não existe nenhuma descrição nos Rasa Sastras e Lila Granthas de que alguém lá se vista de jeans, faça academia ou pegue onda.

E portanto, na nossa meditação interna, devemos ater-nos à descrição dada nos Rasa Sastras e Lila Granthas.

Os Rasa Sastras e Lila Granthas descrevem oito períodos diários aonde Sri Sri Radha Krsna executam Seus passatempos eternos e nós somos inseridos nestes passatempos com o nosso corpo perfeito (Siddha Svarupa) constituído de 11 Bhavas (Ekadas Bhava).

O nosso nome eterno,
nossa forma eterna,
nossa idade eterna,
nossa roupa eterna,
nossa relação eterna,
nosso grupo eterno,
nossa ordem eterna,
nosso serviço eterno,
nossa ambição eterna,
nosso(a) bem-querente eterno,
nossa residência (Kunja) eterna.

Isto não pode ser inventado e deve seguir o padrão dado nos Rasa Sastras e Lila Granthas.