Meditation on Navadvipa-dhama (navadvipa-dhyana)
• Chant the following verse and meditate on Navadvipa-dhama, the transcendental place of the Lord’s pastimes:
svardhunyas caru-tire sphuritam ati-brhat-kurma-prsthabha-gatramramyaramavrtam san-mani-kanaka-maha-sadma-sanghaih paritamnityam pratyalayodyat-pranaya-bhara-lasat-krsna-sankirtanadhyamsri-vrndatavy-abhinnam tri-jagad-anupamam sri-navadvipam ide
I praise the holy dhama of Navadvipa. Being entirely nondifferent from Sri Vrndavana, it is completely different from the material world, consisting of the three planetary systems. Situated on the beautiful banks of the Ganges, Navadvipa is covered by lovely groves and gardens, and it appears like the back of a gigantic turtle. That holy dhama is filled with many great palatial houses made of gold and bedecked with brilliant jewels, and in those houses devotees are always performing krsna-sankirtana in the mellow of ecstatic love.
Meditation on the Form of Lord Caitanya (gauranga-dhyana)
• Chant the following verse and meditate on the transcendental form of Lord Caitanya amidst His eternal associates:
sriman-mauktika-dama-baddha-cikuram su-smera-candrananamsri-khandaguru-caru-citra-vasanam srag-divya-bhusancitamnrtyavesa-rasanumoda-madhuram kandarpa-vesojjvalamcaitanyam kanaka-dyutim nija-janaih samsevyamanam bhaje
I worship Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is being served by all His devotees and associates, whose hair is bound with strings of pearls, and whose moonlike face bears the nectar of His gentle smile. His beautiful golden body is adorned with lovely garments, anointed with sandalwood and aguru pulp, and bedecked with garlands and various glistening ornaments. He is extremely charming, absorbed as He is in enjoying the sweet mellows of dancing, and His dress is more splendid than even Cupid’s
Mental Worship of Lord Caitanya (manasa-puja)
• Meditate on offering Lord Caitanya sixteen, ten, or five upacaras.
Worship of Lord Caitanya with Articles (bahya-puja)