Meditation and Worship of Radha-Krsna in the Mind - Meditation on Vrndavana-dhama (vrndavana-dhyana)
• Meditate on Vrndavana while chanting the following verses:
tato vrndavanam dhyayet paramananda-vardhanamsarvartu-kusumopetam patatri-gana-naditambhramad-bhramara-jhankara-mukhari-krta-din-mukhamkalindi-jala-kallola-sangi-maruta-sevitamnana-puspa-lata-baddha-vrksa-sandais ca manditamkamalotpala-kahlara-dhuli-dhusaritantaramtan-madhye ratna-bhumim ca suryayuta-sama-prabhamtatra kalpa-tarudyanam niyatam prema-varsinammanikya-sikharalambi tan-madhye mani-mandapamnana-ratna-ganais citram sarvartu-suvirajitamnana-ratna-lasac-citra-vitanair upasobhitamratna-torana-gopura-manikyacchadananvitamkoti-surya-samabhasam vimuktam sat-tarangakaihtan-madhye ratna-khacitam svarna-simhasanam mahatkamalotpala-kahlara-dhuli-dhusaritantaram
Vrndavana-dhama is an abode of ever-increasing joy. In that transcendental land grow flowers and fruits of all seasons, and various birds fill it with sweet sounds. Cool breezes and the Yamuna’s waters enhance the atmosphere, and all directions resound with the humming of bumblebees. Vrndavana is decorated with wish-fulfilling trees embraced by many varieties of flower-bearing creepers, and its divine beauty is ornamented with the pollen of red, blue, and white lotuses. The ground is made of jewels that shine with the brilliance of ten million suns rising in the sky at once. On that ground is a garden of desire trees forever showering divine love, and in that garden sits a bejeweled temple with a pinnacle of rubies. Bedecked as it is with various jewels, that temple shines brilliantly in every season. It is beautified with brightly colored canopies, glittering with various gems, and endowed with coverings decorated with rubies, as well as gateways and arches inlaid with gems. That temple shines with the splendor of millions of suns and is eternally free from the six waves of material miseries. Within it sits a great, golden, gem-inlaid throne. In this way one should meditate on Sri Vrndavana-dhama, the divine realm of the Supreme Lord. [Gautamiya-tantra 4]
Meditation on the Form of Radha-Krsna (Radha-Krsna-dhyana)
• Chant the following verse and meditate on Radha and Krsna seated on a throne in Vrndavana:
divyad-vrndaranya-kalpa-drumadhahsrimad-ratnagara-simhasana-sthausri-sri-radha-srila-govinda-devaupresthalibhih sevyamanau smarami
In a temple of jewels in Vrndavana, underneath a desire tree, Sri Sri Radha-Govinda, served by Their most confidential associates, sit upon an effulgent throne. I meditate upon Them. [Cc. Adi 1.16]
Mental Worship of Radha-Krsna (manasa-puja)
• Meditate on offering Radha-Krsna sixteen upacaras.
Worship of Radha-Krsna with Articles (bahya-puja)
Offer each item first to Krsna, then to Srimati Radharani.
• Chant esa puspanjalih and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer flower petals to Their Lordships’ lotus feet.
1. Asana• Chant ime paduke and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer shoes to Their Lordships.• Chant idam asanam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer an asana for Their Lordships. Escort Them to a seat with a gesture of your hands.
2. Svagata• Chant svagatam su-svagatam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and with joined palms welcome Their Lordships and see to Their comfort.
3. Padya• Chant etat padyam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer padya water to wash Their Lordships’ lotus feet
4. Arghya• While ringing the bell, chant idam arghyam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer arghya to Their Lordships in Their hands so that They can sprinkle it over Their heads.
5. Acamana• Chant idam acamaniyam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer Their Lordships water for sipping.
6. Madhuparka• Chant esa madhuparkah and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer cups of madhuparka to Their Lordships.
7. Punar-acamana• Chant idam punar-acamaniya and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and again offer water for sipping.
8. Snana• Murti-suddhi: remove the Deities’ clothes and cleanse Their Lordships with a soft cloth or sponge dampened with warm water, wiping off the candana, tulasi leaves, and so on. Then wrap Them in gamchas or towels.• Chant ime paduke and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer shoes to Their Lordships and escort Them to Their bathing place, the snana-patra.• Chant idam sugandha-tailam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and massage Their Lordships with fragrant oil.If the Deities are metal, polish Them with gopi-candana paste or almond paste, first rubbing it all over Their bodies with a soft cloth (avoiding the eyes and painted areas), and then wiping it off with a soft cloth.• Chant idam snaniyam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and bathe Their Lordships by pouring water from the conch (filling it at least three times with water) while ringing the bell and chanting the Govinda prayers from the Brahma-samhita and other appropriate prayers. (If the Deities are not waterproof, perform the snana by darpana-snaniya-dhyana: hold a mirror (or highly polished silver plate) so that the Deities are reflected in it, and pour water on or in front of the mirror while meditating on directly bathing Them.)
cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa-laksavrtesu surabhir abhipalayantamlaksmi-sahasra-sata-sambhrama-sevyamanamgovindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami
I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor, who is tending cows yielding all desires among abodes built with spiritual gems and surrounded by millions of desire trees. He is always served with great reverence and affection by hundreds of thousands of laksmis, or gopis.
venum kvanantam aravinda-dalayataksambarhavatamsam asitambuda-sundarangamkandarpa-koti-kamaniya-visesa-sobhamgovindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami
I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is adept at playing on His flute, who has eyes like the petals of a blooming lotus, whose head is bedecked with a peacock feather, who has a figure of beauty tinged with the hue of blue clouds, and whose unique loveliness is charming millions of Cupids.• Chant idam anga-vastram and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and dry Their Lordships with soft cloths.• Chant idam acamaniyam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer acamana to Their Lordships.
9. Vastra• Chant idam vastram and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer fresh clothing to Their Lordships.• Offer Krsna an upavita, water for sipping, and urdhva-pundra tilaka before putting on His upper cloth, chanting, respectively:idam upavitam and the krsna-mula-mantra;idam acamaniyam and the krsna-mula-mantra;idam tilakam and the krsna-mula-mantra.(When offering tilaka you may also chant the names of Visnu, as when applying tilaka on yourself: om kesavaya namah for the forehead, etc.)• Chant idam kunkumam and mark Srimati Radharani’s forehead with kunkuma.• Chant idam acamaniyam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer Their Lordships water for sipping.
10. Abharana• Chant imani abharanani and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer Their Lordships ornaments and decorate Them.• Chant idam kankanam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra and comb, arrange, and decorate Their hair. You may offer garlands either at this time or after offering flowers (see below).
11. Gandha• Chant esa gandhah and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and apply candana mixed with scents, according to season, to Their Lordships’ lotus feet, hands and head.
12. Puspa• Chant etani puspani and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer fragrant flowers or flower petals dipped in candana to Their Lordships’ lotus feet while ringing a bell. You may offer additional flowers for decoration at this time.• Chant etat tulasi-patram (for one leaf) or etani tulasi-patrani (for several leaves) and the krsna-mula-mantra, and offer tulasi leaves and manjaris with candana to Krsna’s lotus feet.• Place a tulasi leaf in Radha’s right hand, for Her to offer to Krsna.• Chant imani malyani and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer flower garlands to Their Lordships. (Alternatively, you may offer garlands when offering the ornaments, or after offering naivedya.)
13. Dhupa• Chant esa dhupah and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer incense to Their Lordships while ringing the bell.
14. Dipa• Chant esa dipah and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer a ghee or camphor lamp to Their Lordships while ringing a bell.
15. Naivedya(You may alternatively offer naivedya with the more elaborate procedure described in the Supplement)• Purify the bhoga by proksana and place tulasi leaves on it.• Chant etat padyam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer padya water to wash Their Lordships’ lotus feet.• Chant idam acamaniyam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer Their Lordships acamana.• Chant idam naivedyam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer Their Lordships fruit and/or sweets.• Chant idam paniyam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer Their Lordships drinking water.• Begging to assist your spiritual master in his service, and begging the blessings of Lord Caitanya and Lord Krsna, chant the following prayers three times each while ringing the bell:
nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-talesrimate [spiritual master’s name] iti namine
I offer my respectful obeisances unto [spiritual master’s name], who is very dear to Lord Krsna, having taken shelter at His lotus feet.• Chant the pranama prayers to Srila Prabhupada three times each, begging permission to assist him in serving the Deities:
nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhu-talesrimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine
I offer my respectful obeisances unto His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who is very dear to Lord Krsna, having taken shelter at His lotus feet.
namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarinenirvisesa-sunyavadi-pascatya-desa-tarine
Our respectful obeisances are unto you, O spiritual master, servant of Sarasvati Gosvami. You are kindly preaching the message of Lord Caitanyadeva and delivering the Western countries, which are filled with impersonalism and voidism.
namo maha-vadanyaya krsna-prema-pradaya tekrsnaya krsna-caitanya-namne gaura-tvise namah
O most munificent incarnation! You are Krsna Himself appearing as Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You have assumed the golden color of Srimati Radharani, and You are widely distributing pure love of Krsna. We offer our respectful obeisances unto You.
namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya cajagad-dhitaya krsnaya govindaya namo namah
Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Krsna, who is the worshipable Deity for all brahminical men, who is the well-wisher of cows and brahmanas, and who is always benefiting the whole world. I offer my repeated obeisances to the Personality of Godhead, known as Krsna and Govinda.• Wait for two to five minutes (either remaining seated, with closed eyes, meditating on the Lord enjoying his meal, or exiting the Deity room).• Chant idam hasta-mukha-praksalanam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer water for cleaning hands and face.• Chant etat padyam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra and idam acamaniyam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer Their Lordships padya water and water for sipping.• Chant imani malyani and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer Their Lordships flower garlands (if not offered previously).• Chant idam mukha-vasam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer Their Lordships spices for chewing.• Chant idam tambulam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer Their Lordships betelnuts.• Ring the bell and chant idam sarvam and the radha-krsna-mula-mantra, and offer flowers to Their Lordships’ lotus feet. These flowers represent whatever additional items might be pleasing to Them.
16. Pranama-Offer respects, glorification and obeisances.