Foto: Kalash e Cakra a serem instalados no topo do Planetário Védico da Iskcon Mayapur. Reparem quão grande é o Kalash e Cakra em comparação com as pessoas na base. Será esplendorosamente instalado a 84,4 metros de altura sem contar com o prórpio tamanho do Kalash e Cakra.
Oh Sudarsana Cakra! Você é o doce, e todo auspicioso olhar do Senhor Nrsimhadeva.
Você é o símbolo do poder pelo qual o Senhor Nrsimhadeva controla toda a manifestação cósmica.
Oh Sudarsana Cakra! Você é Kalacakra, a roda invencível de tempo, impossível de ser verificada. Você expande-se a partir do início do primeiro átomo até o momento da morte de Brahma.
Oh Haricakra! Sempre que a tendência de falar bobagens ou menosprezar os devotos, ou falar negativamente, palavras que desencorajem surjam dentro de minha mente, por favor, esteja lá naquele momento com a sua velocidade relâmpago para fazer maravilhas. Faça-me sempre falar a verdade sobre Krsna, glorificar e incentivar todos os devotos.
Oh Senhor Nrsimhadeva! Minha mente patife produz muitas destas ilusões mágicas, e como um rufião ela grita slogans cruéis como: "Vá em frente! Você pode desfrutar. Esqueça acerca Krsna e de seu Guru. Basta ser natural, ser você mesmo." Oh Nrsimhadeva! Por favor dissipe estas ilusões místicas da minha mente e fixe minha mente em Seus pés de lótus.
Oh Sudarsana Cakra! O Supremo Senhor colocou você em movimento e você está vagando em todas as direcções, viajando por todas partes para proteger os devotos do Senhor. Você é mais destrutiva do que o fogo da devastação.
Oh Sudarsana Cakra! Você implacavelmente persegue Durvasa, o Vaisnava Aparadhi, por todo o universo. Por favor, me acompanhe onde quer que eu possa viajar e imediatamente extirpe e afaste o demônio da Vaisnava Aparadha do meu coração e da minha mente.
Oh Sudarsana Cakra! Por favor, reduza o Karma Cakra (ciclo interminável de acções) e destrua o Samsara Cakra (ciclo interminável de nascimentos e mortes).
Oh Haricakra! Por favor, abençoe-me para que eu possa sempre viver no círculo de Vrndavana, Vraja-mandala ou Gaura-mandala.
Kalash – Preparation Works has Begun!
We are now at the final stage of the main dome construction. Preparation works has began for the Kalash and the Chakra!
Looking at this image, you can really see how big is the Kalash by comparing the proportions of the people and the Kalash.
Standing at 277 feet (84.4 meters) from the ground, it gazes upon us in great splendor.
(Sadbhuja Dasa)
Prayers to Lord Nrsimhadeva's Disc (cakra)
O Sudarsana Cakra! You are the chief of the Lord's emblems. You are the auspicious glance by which He created the entire material world. You are the symbol of the power by which Lord Nrsimhadeva controls the whole cosmic manifestation. Without your mercy the universe cannot be maintained.
O Haricakra! You are the Lord's final and ultimate weapon to kill the demons and you kill the prowess of other weapons. O Sudarsana! You are Kalacakra, the invincible wheel of time, impossible to check. You expand from the beginning of the atom up to the time of Brahma's death. You have a thousand spokes of dazzling luster. You are always revolving and spending the life of all living entities from Brahma to the ant. You act as supreme time to control all activities, kill the demons, and protect the devotees.
O Sudarsana! You are the most powerful sun, and you are the moon. You are full of transcendental effulgence. You are the tejas-tattva, the topmost principle of brilliance, and you destroy the darkness within a devotee's heart. My soul is covered by the darkness of greed, anger, pride and the desire for fame. O Sudarsana, kindly shine in my heart and destroy the darkness of ignorance.
O Sudarsana! Your effulgence dissipates the darkness of the world. You manifest the knowledge of great souls. Please manifest pure knowledge of Krsna within my heart and destroy the darkness of illusion covering my real identity. You are as quick as the mind. You are the master of speech. You work wonders. You are truth and encouraging statements.
O Haricakra! Whenever the tendency to speak nonsense or to belittle the devotees, or to speak negative, discouraging words arises within my mind, please be there at that moment with your lightning speed to work wonders. Make me always speak the truth about Krsna, glorify and encourage all the devotees.
O Sudarsana! You are the killer of all irreligious activity. You are the protector of dharma and the means of establishing religious principles. You manifest the prowess of devotional service.
O Sudarsana! I am full of improper behavior and desires to perform whimsical unregulated acts. I have no cleanliness, nor do I know what to do or what not to do. Please manifest the power within me, O Sudarsana, so I can strictly follow the example of the previous acaryas. Please give me the determination to always act purely and religiously and to perform only activities favorable to Krsna's service.
O Sudarsana! You easily disperse the magical forces of the demons. The demon Hiranyaksa attacked Lord Varaha with a great magical display of naked demons with tridents and loose hair, and a host of ruffians uttering cruel, savage slogans. With your razor- sharp blades you easily cut these illusions to pieces.
O Lord Nrsimhadeva! My rascal mind produces many such magical illusions, and like a ruffian he shouts cruel slogans like, “Go ahead! You can enjoy. Forget about Krsna and your guru. Just be natural, be yourself." O Nrsimhadeva! Please dispel these mystic illusions from my mind and fix my mind on Your lotus feet.
O Sudarsana! You cut the mouth of the crocodile to save the distressed Gajendra. The crocodile of duplicity is swallowing my heart. O Lord Nrsimhadeva! Please cut this enemy and make me Your honest devotee.
O Sudarsana! The Supreme Lord has set you in motion and you are wandering in all directions, traveling everywhere to protect the Lord's devotees. You are more destructive than the fire of devastation.
O Lord Nrsimhadeva! Please cut down my six enemies, namely - greed, anger, lust, envy, illusion, and madness and burn them to ashes once and for all.
O Sudarsana! You relentlessly chased Durvasa, the Vaisnava aparadhi, all over the universe. Please accompany me wherever I may travel and immediately root out and chase away the demon of Vaisnava aparadha from my heart and mind.
O Sudarsana! Out of fear of you, Rahu cannot eclipse the moon for more than forty-eight minutes. O Lord Nrsimhadeva! Please prevent Rahu from even trying to eclipse the full moon of Lord Caitanya's mercy rising in the sky of my heart.
O Sudarsana! You are the sweet, all auspicious glance of Lord Nrsimhadeva. Your vision or glance pacifies, enlivens, inspires and satisfies your devotees. Your effulgence is represented by the process of hearing and chanting about the pastimes of the Lord. I am a fool, O Lord Nrsimhadeva, please glance upon me and make me fortunate. Purify my heart and fill me with the enthusiasm to serve.
O Sudarsana Cakra! Please cut down the karma cakra (endless cycle of work) and destroy the samsara cakra (endless cycle of birth and death). Please liberate me!
O Haricakra! Please bless me that I may always live in the circle of Vrndavana, Vraja-mandala or Gaura-mandala.
O Lord Nrsimhadeva! I surrender unto You. Please protect me and give me Your mercy.
(An excerpt from Prayers to Sri Nrsimhadeva by Sripad Mahanidhi Madangopal Dasa Babaji Maharaja)