segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2007

Bhima Pancaka

Shyamasundara P. in his Vedic Astrology conf. said (text 343454 on 14-Jan-94) regarding the calendar program: "These bugs may not be software related but translation problems as in the example of Bhisma Pancaka discussed some time ago on COM. It actually turned out to be Bhima Pancaka after more research was done." Pancaka in general is a five day period (Dhanista through Revati naksatras) inauspicious for the Vedic rituals. Ref.: Garuda Purana 2.4.176-9. (Bhakta Jan)

Five days of fasting on these days is equivalent of whole Caturmasya fast. Bhima could not fast so this provision was made. (Bhanu Swami)

Also called Visnu Pancaka. Recommended in many sastras and also in the Hari Bhakti Vilasa. It is said that devotees, if possible, can do some fasting. Some devotees do it here in Mayapur by taking only ekadasi-prasada for these five days. (The real one is very technical and too difficult.)

Bhima pancaka is the five-day period at the end of Caturmasya. The fast can be observed by eating unsalted kitri once a day for the final five days, and the benefit is the same as following the entire four months of Caturmasya.

It is somewhat like Bhima-nirjala-ekadasi in that one can get the benefit of the longer vrata by doing a shorter tapasya. (Ram-prasad Dasa)

Q: I saw in Vrndavana devotees were following very heavy fast. First day only little cow dung, second - cow urine, third - ghee, then yogurt and milk. Can anybody, please, tell how one should follow it correctly? I was also told that the real benefit of this fast is that one will "hold" pure devotion to Krsna in his hand. But one can observe this vrata only in Vraja. Why? (Sasvata Dasa)
A: After following and inquiring about the various paths of following caturmasya for several years I can tell you the following. Keep in mind that those living in the dhama may have access and info that I do not have. With that in mind I have not heard of or read the pancagavya type of fast you mention related to Caturmasya or anywhere. I also had not heard that this can only be done in Vraja. Is there some sastric quote for this?
Many of the practices we follow are traditionally done only in the dhama but fortunate for us, Prabhupada brought these things outside the boundaries of India. Myself and others have performed the Bhima pancaka a few times and it is quite a nice service to take up. The austerity is wonderful to tell the truth. Depending on the person and the work situation the fasting varied. One fasted from only foods grown on his land, another only took milk those five days, another took only water, another ate only once in the day, all of these were of course without spice, sweet, ghee, etc.

I feel the main point is to perform austerity and enhance one's devotional practices - increase japa, reading, kirtan, preaching. This is what we have seen to be the real mood of accepting austerity. (Chaturatma Dasa)

Vosso servo
Prahladesh Dasa