segunda-feira, 13 de novembro de 2006

As dez ofensas ao Dhama sagrado

Ten offenses to be avoided when visiting the holy Dham

To blaspheme or to not respect the spiritual master who has revealed the holy Dham.

To think that the holy Dham is temporary.

To commit violence against any resident of the holy Dhama or visitor or the Dhama, or to consider them ordinary people.

To earn money through the worship of the deity or through the chanting of the holy name.

To think that the holy Dham is part of any mundane province or country, such as UP etc., or to consider the holy Dham like other places of pilgrimage related to some demigods.

To try to measure the holy Dham.

To commit sinful activities while you are in the holy Dhama.

To consider Vrindavan Dham to be different from Navadvipa Dham.

To blaspheme against the scriptures, which glorify the holy Dham.

To not have faith and to think that the glories of the holy Dham are an imagination.